One way to help Ukrainians 🇺🇦
It is heartbreaking to see what is happening to our neighbors in Ukraine. Our city in Feltre is about the same distance to the Ukrainian border as my hometown in California is to the Oregan border... we're neighbors to the souls that are suffering and in need of the gospel. Many of you from the states have asked how to help so I wanted to write to make it more clear and simple. There are many other missionaries serving these people in different ways and this is only one of many ways to get involved, but it is one I have personally seen and can is solid.
I was able to tag along with two Italian calvary pastors and drop off a bunch of food from the Italian churches donated to feed the influx of refugees at a calvary conference center in Hungary. However, after unloading, the three of us left the rest of the group and went about an hour from the Ukrainian border, to meet with a local Pastor who has been serving the Ukrainian people for years in a city called Debrecen, Hungary. The wonderful thing is they have a missionary sent out from their church to the Ukraine who is now crossing the border daily to bring in food and mainly medical supplies, one of the biggest needs. Watch the video below for more context when you have time.
If you want to donate to this church you can find their bank info on their website (which is in Hungarian) or donate to our PayPal and since we have a European account we can donate easily for you. Be sure to choose the option "For Ukraine" on your donation.