We're so grateful to be part of the church in Italy! Don't be deceived, in spite of the physical beauty of our land, the spiritual need is VAST and the battle is intense.
Since 20018 we've served alongside the believers at Calvary Chapel Feltre, located in North Italy's Dolomite mountains. Landon is the teaching pastor while Rachel is an integral part of the women's ministry and what God is doing in our church. On top of that, our favorite titles are being mom and dad to our three kids; Avila, Holden, and Lucy.
We can finally teach and lead meetings in Italian but we realize that learning the culture and language will be a continual pursuit. This process has been a wonderful lesson to depend even more on our God who can speak straight to people's hearts through his word by the Holy Spirit. Slowly but surely God is growing the local believers and we are even seeing more souls added to the kingdom.
Please pray that God would start a revival that would spread to every corner of our surrounding territory. God is moving and we greatly appreciate your prayer and support for our family.
Landon, Rachel, Avila, Holden, & Lucy